Editorial Policies

Jurnal Abdimas Imigrasi is a peer reviewed, indexed, open access journal. It covers all areas of Imigrations Studies and Management Studies. Its global readership includes, teachers, students and others with a professional or personal interest in Imigrations Studies and Management Studies.

Jurnal Abdimas Imigrasi the structure and development of Imigrations Studies and Management Studies across the globe, and in particular, its relationship to and effect on scholars, teachers, students and policy makers associated with the professions of teaching, learning and assessing Imigrations Studies and Management Studies across the entire globe.

Jurnal Abdimas Imigrasi aims at providing a platform and encourages emerging scholars and academicians globally to share their professional and academic knowledge in the fields of Imigrations Studies and Management Studies. Other original work like, book reviews, Ph.D. and Master's dissertations are also welcome.